Drugs & Law



After reading this you should be able to:

  • Recognize those who influence your choices regarding drug use and abuse.

  • Recognize the consequences of your choices (physical, emotional, legal) regarding drug use and abuse.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of what the Criminal Code of Canada is.

  • Demonstrate a general understanding of what the Youth Criminal Justice Act is.

  • State the age that you are considered to be a Young Offender

  • Demonstrate an understanding of being arrested and charged with a criminal offence.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the consequences of becoming involved in criminal activity/drug use and abuse.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of what role the police perform in the arrest and charging process of a young person.




Did you know...

Drugs Desciptions and Effects

Select a drug from the drop down menu to get more information from National Institute on Drug Abuse at drugabuse.gov :